Regular Polygon

Toolbar button-regular-polygon

You can create a polygon.

Basic Usage

  1. Click the button-regular-polygon button on the toolbar.
  2. Click at the center of the polygon.
  3. Move the cursor to adjust the size, and click to confirm.
    • Keyboard Shortcuts
      • Tab: Enables direct input of dimensions. See here for details.
      • Shift + Scroll Up Add a Vertex: Increases the number of vertices of the polygon.
      • Shift + Scroll Down Subtract a Vertex: Decreases the number of vertices of the polygon.
      • Up Arrow Key Increases the number of vertices of the polygon.
      • Down Arrow Key Decreases the number of vertices of the polygon.
      • V Toggle vertical / horizontal: Changes the inclination relative to the construction plane.
      • C Toggle circumscribed: Switches between circumscribed and inscribed.
      • K Knife: Refer to Using Knife Mode.
      • X/Y X/Y-axis: Constrains to X, Y axis.
  4. Right-click to confirm.
  5. The polygon is created.

Note: The Polygon Command remembers last used number of vertices, which can efficiently speed up your work.