Rebuild Curve
Rebuild Curve
Right of Command Bar
Rebuild by optimizing the positions of the Control Vertices(CVs) without changing the shape of the Curve.
Basic Usage
- Select the Curve you want to rebuild.
- Click the button
- Set the options in the Command Dialog.
Command Dialog
- Method:
- Refit: Rebuild within tolerances.
- Tolerance: Specify the Tolerances.
- Keep corners: When enabled, the corners of the Curve are not changed.
- Points Rebuild within the specified number of CVs.
- Points: Specify the number of CVs.
- Explicit Control: Rebuild within the specified number of degree and spans. (Available on Indie and Studio License)
- Degree & Spans: Specify the value of degree and number of spans.
- Refit: Rebuild within tolerances.
- Method:
- Confirm with OK in the Command Dialog or right-click.