
Common Commands for Sketch and Solid

Command NameShortcutNote
MoveGMove objects.
RotateRRotate objects.
ScaleSScale objects.
MirrorAlt+XMirror objects.
DuplicateShift+DDuplicate objects.
PlaceCtrl+DDuplicate objects specified axis.
Copy with PlacementCtrl+Shift+CCopy objects with a reference point.
Paste with PlacementCtrl+Shift+VPaste objects with a reference point.
Rectangular ArrayDuplicate objects in a rectangular pattern.
Radial ArrayDuplicate objects in a radial pattern.
Curve ArrayDuplicate objects along a Curve.
Set MaterialMSet material.
Remove MaterialAlt+MRemove material.
MeasureCtrl + =Measure dimension values.
Dimension=Modify dimension values.