
Sketch Commands

Command NameShortcutNote
FilletBUnified command for Fillet Curve, Fillet Vertex, Fillet Shell.
Fillet CurveBFillet or chamfer between two Curve segments.
Fillet VertexBFillet or chamfer connected vertices.
Offset CurveOUnified command for Offset Planar Curve, Offset Region, Offset Face Loop, Offset Edge.
Offset Planar CurveOOffset a planar Curve.
Offset RegionOOffset the outline curves of a Region.
Offset VertexOInsert new vertices along the curve on both sides of a vertex.
Subdivide CurveAlt + SIncrease Control-Vertices of Curves.
Raise Curve DegreeShift + SIncrease Control-Vertices of Curve.
ExtendUnified command for Extend Curve, Extend Sheet.
Extend CurveExtend a Curve.
RebuildUnified command for Rebuild Curve, Rebuild Face.
Rebuild CurveRebuilt by optimizing the positions of the Control Vertices.
TextCreate Curves from text.
Project Commands
ProjectIUnified command for Project Body Body, Project Curve Body, Project Curve Curve.
Project Body BodyICreate a new Curve representing the intersection line between two Solids or Sheets.
Project Curve BodyICreate a new Curve by projecting a Curve onto a Solid or Sheet.
Project Curve CurveICreate a new Curve by projecting the intersection points of surfaces generated from two independent Curves.
Project OutlineAlt + DProject the outline of the Solids or Sheets.
Alternative DuplicateAlt + DProject the Curves onto the current construction plane.
Create OutlineProject the outline of the objects to create a 3D Curve.
Duplicate Curve and ProjectDuplicate Curve And Project.
Join and Split Commands
JoinJUnified command for Join Curves, Join Sheets.
Join CurvesJJoin Curves at connecting points.
BridgeUnified command for Bridge Curve, Bridge Vertex, Bridge Edge.
Bridge CurveBridges two Curves.
Bridge EdgeBridges two Edges.
Bridge VertexBridges two Vertices.
TrimTTrim Curve.
Cut CurveCut Curve.
Split SegmentSplit a Curve into two segments.
UnjoinAlt + JUnified command for Unjoin Curves, Unjoin Faces, Unjoin Shells.
Unjoin CurvesAlt + JSeparate joined Curves.
Vertex Commands
Delete Redundant TopologyRemove excess points.
Convert VertexConvert Vertices to Control-Vertices.