

Left of Command Bar button-scale

Scale objects using Scale Gizmo. Options for single-axis constraints or freestyle scale are available. The pivot is also adjustable.

Basic Usage

  1. Select the objects you want to scale.
  2. Press S.
  3. Use the displayed Scale Gizmo to resize.
  4. Set the options in the Command Dialog and Keyboard Shortcuts.
    • Command Dialog
      • XYZ: Specify the scale of the X, Y, and Z axes.
    • Keyboard Shortcuts
    • X/ Y/Z X/Y/Z-axis: Constrain to the X, Y, or Z-axis.
    • Shift + X/ Shift + Y/Shift + Z X, Y, Z plane: Constrain to the X, Y, or Z-plane.
    • S Uniform: Scales uniformly in the X, Y, and Z directions.
    • F Freestyle: Specify the scaling axis by clicking on the starting and ending points, and then click with the desired scaling ratio.
    • V Pivot: Click to specify the position of the Gizmo.
    • W Worldspace: Change the Gizmo's coordinate axis to world coordinates.
  5. Confirm with OK in the Command Dialog or right-click.

Freestyle Scale

This command is equivalent to the F option of the Scale command.

  1. Select the objects you want to scale.
  2. Use the Freestyle Scale command in the Command Palette.
  3. Specify the scaling axis by clicking on the starting and ending points.
  4. Move the cursor to scale the object, and then click the desired scaling ratio.
  5. Set the options in the Command Dialog and Keyboard Shortcuts.
    • The option is the same as the Scale command.
  6. Confirm with OK in the Command Dialog or right-click.

See also