Grid and Units

Grid and Units

Grid and Units


  • Snap to grid: You can use grid snapping to snap your cursor to the grid while drawing or moving objects. To specify the grid size, change the value under Snap to grid.
    1. The grid is displayed on the active construction plane. You can specify the grid unit and size in the "Units" window.
    1. You can execute the grid snapping in the Command Palette; Grid: toggle grid snapping, Viewport: decrease grid size, Viewport: increase grid size.
    1. To temporarily turn off grid snapping, hold Ctrl while dragging.
    1. To cuztomize Grid color, go to Preferences.


  • Units: Specifies the units (Millimeter, Centimeter, Meter, Inch, Foot) for the viewport.
  • Grid size: Specifies the overall size of the grid.
  • Line every: Specifies the spacing interval for the thick lines in the grid.
    1. Units are displayed while drawing curves, and you can press Tab to enter precise measurements.