Shift + P
In Suggested Commands Menu
Sweeping Faces or Regions generates Solids, while sweeping Curves produces Sheets. Specify twisting angle and optionally select multiple sweep guides.
Basic Usage
- Slect the Regions, Faces, or Curves to be swept.
- Press Shift + P.
- Select the Curve that will serve as the path for the sweep.
- Set the options in the Command Dialog and Keyboard Shortcuts.
Command Dialog
- Twist: Specify the twisting angle in degrees.
- Scale: Specify the scale value on the ending point of the pipe. Click on the option dialog and manually enter your value or drag with your mouse from left to right.
- Alignment:
- Parallel: Sweeps parallel to the path, regardless of the orientation.
- Normal: Sweeps at an angle aligned with the path.
Keyboard Shortcuts
- D Twist: Specify the Twist with mouse movement.
Command Dialog
- Optionally select sweep guides.
- Make sure that Select guides: is highlighted in the Command Dialog.
- Select the Curves that will serve as guides for the sweep.
- Use Shift + click to select multiple guides.
- Use Ctrl + click to deselect.
- The order in which you select the guides will affect the shape of the sweep.
- Set the options in the Command Dialog
Command Dialog
- Guide method:
- Point: The cross-section of the swept body is rotated and scaled so that the points initially coincident with the guide and path always remain in contact.
- Chord: The cross-section is rotated but not scaled.
- Curve: The cross-section is rotated but not scaled. The guide and path must touch the profile. The profile stays in contact with both guide wires, but only one of the contact points is at a fixed point on the profile; the other is free to move along the profile. Note: The profile must be large enough to span the greatest distance between the two guide wires.
- Guide method:
Command Dialog
- Confirm with OK in the Command Dialog or right-click.
- The object created depends on the initial selection.
- If you select Regions and Faces, a Solid is created.
- If you select a Curve, a Sheet is created.