Deform Solid and Sheet

Deform Solid and Sheet

- button-none

Wrap existing solid and sheet objects onto a regular and irregular surface.

Basic Usage

  1. Select the objects you want to wrap.
  2. Type Deform in the Command Palette.
  3. Select a reference face as a neutral plane.
  4. Select the target face to deform objects with.
  5. Set the options in the Command Dialog.
    • Command Dialog
      • Scale: Scale in U, V, N Value.
      • Offset: Offset in U, V, N Value.
      • Flip:
        • Mirror: Mirror horizontally the deformed objects relative to the surface.
        • UV: Flip the U and V orientation of the deformed objects.
        • Normal: Flip the normal of the deformed objects.
      • Reblend: Reblend the deformed objects. Recalculates the fillets of your objects and translates them again, removing any unwanted deformations.
      • Keep Tools: Performs Deform operation while keeping the tool objects intact.
  6. Confirm with OK in the Command Dialog or right-click.


Scale and Offset uses a UVN coordinate system instead of XYZ coordinate system when adjusting the parametric value, allowing you to define the orientation of the deformed objects at a specific point in relation to the target surface. For more information on the UVN coordiante system, click here.



  • To avoid unwanted deformation or inaccurate placement, use the Unwrap Face command from the Command Palette on the target object. This generates a correctly mapped surface, which can then be used as an accurate reference face.

See also